Who Has Written The Book Khazain Ul Futuh : Best History Book

Hi Friends, Coolguts.com is unanimous with bringing new information to your fingertips everyday. Today’s topic is one such topic. Where we would try to put light on a very important history book.

Today we are putting light on Who Has Written The Book Khazain Ul Futuh. Other than finding out the author of the said book, we will try to find out about the importance of Khazain Ul Futuh book in the context of the history of India, and why this book is so important. What is written inside this book? And many things that you will find interesting and may not be known to you before.

This post is even more important as this question have been asked multiple times across many competitions  that Khazain Ul Futuh written by which author?

So let’s wait no more and try to find out more about hazain Ul Futuh Book.

Who Has Written The Book KhazaKin Ul Futuh: An Important historian book.

Let’s answer this question of Who Has Written The Book Khazain Ul Futuh, before we bring more about said book. Khazain Ul Futuh was written by Amir Khusrow.

Amir Khusrow full name was Abu’l Hasan Yamīn ud-Dīn Khusrau. He was a famous Sufi singer and renowned poet during the Delhi Sultanate. Amir Khusrow wrote Khazain Ul Futuh in 1298. This book was written in the era of Delhi ruler Ala ud-Din Khalji.

Khazain Ul Futuh was written in poetic form and described the wars, work and efforts of Ala ud-Din Khalji father  Jalal ud-Din Firuz.

Who Has Written The Book Khazain Ul Futuh

English translation of Khazain Ul Futuh is The Treasures of Victory.

So, now you know  Who Has Written The Book Khazain Ul Futuh, the answer to which is Amir Khusrow. Let’s understand few more things about him in the coming part of this Post.

Amir Khusrow Works

Amir Khusrow Works was a famous poet, he was a refugee and took shelter in Delhi and soon became a famous name during the Khilji’s era.

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Writer Of The Book Khazain Ul Futuh

He has also written the following books-

( For understanding, we have mentioned the English name of these books also)

  1. Tuhfat us-Sighr (The Gift of Childhood)- 1271
  2. Wast ul-Hayat (The Middle of Life)- 1277
  3. Qiran us-Sa’dain (Meeting of the Two Auspicious Stars)-1288
  4. Ghurrat ul-Kamaal (The Prime of Perfection)- 1290
  5. Khaza’in ul-Futuh (The Treasures of Victory)-1296
  6. Khamsa-e-Khusrau (Khamsa of Khusrau)-1298
  7. Matla ul-Anwar (Rising Place of Lights)-1298
  8. Duval Rani – Khizr Khan (Duval Rani and Khizr Khan)-1315
  9. Nuh Sipihr (Nine Skies)-1316
  10. Ijaz-e-Khusravi (The Miracles of Khusrau)-1316
  11. Afzal ul-Fawaid (Greatest of Blessings)-1319
  12. Tughlaq Nama (Book of the Tughlaqs)-1321

As one can see, Amir Khusrow has written a number of books during his time and has been praised for his work by different people in the power.

His work has been praised in Islamic literature and has made him among the best in his business. For his work, he was famously known as the “Parrot of India” (Tuti-e-Hind). Most of his literature was written in Persians however he has written in Hindi also.

Amir Khusrow was born in 1253 at Patiyali, UP(India) and died in October 1325 at the age of 71. and he is the answer of our question Who Has Written The Book Khazain Ul Futuh.

For his work, Amir Khusrow will always live in the books of history and will always be regarded as one of the best poets that has ever been born in ancient India.

FAQs on Amir Khusrow and Who Has Written The Book Khazain Ul Futuh

In this section, we will explore a few of the queries that our readers have asked about Amir Khusrow and about his work

Who among the following wrote the book ‘Khazain-ul-Futuh’

Well, let’s not go into the option as the answer to this question is Amir Khusrow, as we already explained in the above post.

What is khazain ul futuh language? Please elaborate

khazain ul futuh was primarily written in Persian, but it also has verses in Hindi or Hindavi.

What is Khazain ul Futuh also known as?

Khazain ul Futuh is also known as The Treasures of Victory.

Whose life was captured in the book Khazain ul Futuh?

Khazain Ul Futuh described the wars, work and efforts of Delhi Ruler Ala ud-Din Khalji.

You can read more about Amit Khusrow here on Wiki.

With this, we mark the end of our topic that is Who Has Written The Book Khazain Ul Futuh, whose eventual answer is Amir Khusrow. We have described his other work also and have explained why he was considered as one of the best Islamic poets born.

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